A’tambe is the son of a local fisherman who never expected to be anything different than a fisherman himself. The boy first comes to the local wiseman’s attention when he helps gather the people to safety from the force of an approaching brutal storm. Later on, the wiseman remembers the lad when it comes time to help an old man discover how he can live again by serving others. Being the caretaker of the eagles, the old man is willing to teach an assistant if it is just the right apprentice. In a match that is as unusual as it is unlikely, the young boy and the eldest member of the community discover they are soulmates in their care of the great sea eagles.
Later in his life, the newlywed, A’tambe, must help recover an ancient artifact for the benefit of his people. His success will ensure the survival of the people, but his defeat would not only ensure his own death but would also bear grave consequences for the people.
Posts by americaw:
The Jungle of Caras’cuvia comes to life in The Python Steps.
Abriiodne Tatacana or “Brii” for short, is orphaned when a gang of invaders attack the village where his father rules as Chieftain. The young boy must survive the apathy and antagonism expressed towards him after the devastating attack. Ironically, the ambivalence of his fellow villagers makes the developing youngster stronger, more caring and an overachiever as he tries to win over their love.
With a little help from the new chief along with the village Wiseman, the young boy develops and grows into something better than the people ever could have expected.
This is the first of a three-part series which expands to even include a fourth, bonus novel. All three books are standalone, with great self-contained stories. This is the story for you if you want a full-bodied novel about youth growing into manhood with weaknesses and strengths not normally exhibited by lesser two-dimensional characters.
A strong storyline and plot pits evil against good with no varying shades between what is black and what is white. The heroes and villains in this novel are immediately identifiable and provide strong support for those who want to choose good all the days of their lives.
Cal Sawyer — The Seeker Series
Cal Sawyer isn’t just any man. Cal Sawyer is the epitome of the Wild West. Raised by Paiute Indians in the unsettled regions of Northern Nevada, Cal learns what he needs to know in order to avenge the massacre of his people at the hands of a wild bunch of white men.
Eventually the young white man, who thinks like a Paiute, adopts back into the white man culture. He is slowly re-introduced to white man ways, but never fully leaves behind the teachings that his Paiute father and mother have bestowed upon him.
When Cal is led to the southern end of the state in pursuit of a death-dealing bunch of men, he must utilize every skill available to him in order to avoid certain death.
Filled with details and experiences that show the evolution in the growth of a young man into adulthood, this book is a prime example of making wise choices, even at an early age, in order to excel in life.
The Seeker Series is a series of four books built chronologically in a few short months of Cal Sawyer’s life. Although each book is built to stand-alone, they each form an interesting episode in the tapestry of Cal’s life.
The Totems of Ta’sono Fantasy Series:
The Python Steps
The Prowl of the Jaguar
The Sight of the Eagle
The House of the Fathers
Other Novels
about the world of Caras’cuvia:
Eagles Don’t Hunt Flies
The Tail of the Assassin
Miner, Warrior, Emperor’s Guard
Western novels
from the period of the 1870’s
Cal Sawyer — Seeker-of-Wealth
Cal Sawyer — Seeker-of-Truth
Cal Sawyer — Seeker-of-Justice
Cal Sawyer — Seeker-of-Pain
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